For the whole summer of 2021, I used the Tinted Moisturizer form Rodan and Fields.
For the whole summer of 2021, I used the Tinted Moisturizer form Rodan and Fields.
This product was promoted on my most recent vlog. Check it out!
We had some hot days this past summer and I put my Tinted moisturizer the test.
It didn't fail me in the heat, humidity or the blazing sun.
This Tinted moisturizer for Rodan and Fields did exactly what it promised to do.
Moisturize your skin, while giving you the benefits of a cover up foundation.
The light weight affect makes you feel like you are wearing a cream and not a cover up.
Don't forget that it defends against environmental aggressors and repairs your skin's moisturizer barrier.
While protecting your skin against UV Rays this Tinted Moisturizer also evens, tones and perfects the appearance of the skin.
For curb side pickups or inquires you can contact:
Sue Bueller: (519) 897-8237.